No matter how hard I try to blend in; to be a "normal," functioning member of modern day American society, it always fails dramatically. Where most others (including many reading these words right now) see freedom and opportunity, I see only slavery and control. Slightly over-dramatic? Sure. But I have always had a taste for theatrics.
What I am talking about of course, is the current state of society that we subscribe to these days.
Working 40+ hours a week in jobs we hate, so that we can afford to either buy more stuff we really don't need, or go out and blow 1/3 of our paycheck on dinner and drinks come Saturday evening.
Is this the case for everyone? No. Bless their hearts, there are people out there who actually like working, and absolutely love their job. But these people I feel are just more successfully inundated by the "American dream." More inundated by their very own egos.
I feel it only fair that since I am making accusations such as these, I should devote a small portion of this post to reasonably explaining myself. As if reason has ever been a close friend of mine.
When I talk about seeing slavery and control where most see freedom, I am talking about being led blindly through life by established systems and governments. Let's have some fun with this and pretend that the American dream is a carrot. Now this is no ordinary carrot, for when your eyes pass upon this carrot you are given great visions of wealth, health, and all formal states of grandeur.
A four bedroom ranch style home with a swimming pool and a few acres of prize land. Perhaps a two or maybe even three car garage, housing very expensive and luxurious vehicles. A beautiful smiling wife or husband and two very well mannered children who love you dearly.
"But we don't need to be hypnotized by some magical carrot to see that, that is my American dream!"
This very well may be true, but the carrot's real purpose (just like when placed in front of a horse) is to make sure you don't stray off course. "This is your dream, big guy! Don't wander off the path now, look at what is right in front of you! Just keep being the work horse you are and everything will be okay."
Only a madman could look at his life and say that he is truly free. In order to have shelter we have to pay ridiculously high rent, electric and water bills. To eat, we have to pay for food that is over processed and loaded with all kinds of sugars, fats, and chemicals that keep us addicted and fat. So fat that we need to have some kind of healthcare, because for some reason we keep getting sick! Then the doctors prescribe us all these pills and medicines that we have to pay high dollar for each and every month. And we can lessen those costs by having health insurance, but you have to work full time if you want those kind of benefits. You see where I am going with this? It's control. You want to take a vacation? You need to earn it. You need to trade days, weeks, months, of your life to earn one or two weeks to be able to go and do what you want to do, finally get to relax and reconnect with your true self. But if you are going somewhere and using conventional methods of getting there (driving, flying, train, or now even by bus) get ready to spend high dollar on fare and/or gas.
It's control because they don't want people to be truly free. They want people to feel obligated to work, to stay home, to spend their hard earned money on junk food and online shopping, because that's what makes the economy run. That's what keeps the rich, rich and the poor, poor.
I was lucky enough to look away from the carrot a little over a year ago, or maybe mine just fell and I had nothing else to look at, who knows. But what I do know is that I have tried putting that carrot back in front of myself, tried making myself inundated by it all over again. It works fairly well for a little while, maybe a month, maybe a few. Then I wake up one day and it is gone again, and I once again see the system for what it is, see society for what it is, see the control going on in every strip mall and warehouse across this country.
I mentioned above about people also being inundated by their own egos as well, and feel this really needs some explaining, as most people only think of the ego as when you get a big head about something and start acting like a big shot.
Your ego is essentially you, but not the real you. Confused? You should be.
I don't care what religion you do or don't subscribe to, they all talk about spirit. How inside each of us is our spirit, and that is the true "us." Well since we have a higher self inside of us, what is this human form and function? That is the ego. The ego is essentially your mind, your thoughts, your desires. The ego tells you that you need to be pretty and fit to fit in with the elite in society, that you have to be wealthy, that you have to have a great job and be successful. The ego is what makes you want more of everything than you really need, the ego makes you greedy, it drives your emotions of anger, resentment, jealousy, etc. All of that is ego.
I really do contribute my disinterest with the American dream carrot to the fact that since I became a follower of Buddhist/Toaist philosophies five years ago, it has been my mission to live and lead a life directed by my true self, completely disregarding my ego and it's desires. To live free of the need to be rich, famous, or important. Free from it's relentless need to "fit in."
See, the American dream really holds no importance at all to someone who isn't led through life by their ego and it's incessant mantra for more, more, MORE! They instead say "less, less, less."
Less truly is more. You see, when you no longer define yourself and your sense of worth by what you own, the kind of car you drive, or how much money you make, you really have no more concern for these things. You realize that rich or poor, house or studio apartment, Lexus or bicycle, you are still going to be you. It's the ego that thinks you need all of the above to be happy, and be successful, and you can brag and boast about it.
"Look at me, with my cars and bank accounts and designer clothes. I am important, and I am better than you!"
Truly free people don't need anything outside of themselves to make or keep them happy. That is the truth.