Sunday, November 4, 2012

My true nature at this very moment

I want to set fire to the night
I want to scream your name until my throat explodes
I want this feeling of depravity
To vanish faster than your face did
As you slipped out the door so long ago

I want crystal vision
And calm collection
I want to race this demon
With a big block chevy
Right through the backdoor of my soul

I have no desire to surrender
Any longer
To your selfish inquisition
Your search for perfecion in an unperfect world
I will no longer be led to such ends
I will no longer feel inadequate
And you will no longer know me
All you will know is my memory

And you will always be a part of me,
All the same.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What I seek tonight

Lingering undertones
Of obsenity
Rest playfully on lips
Not too sure of their cause

I scan the room for silence

Show me a delicate smile
Or some long, drawn pause
Pressed firmly,
Below eyes that wander
Just as my own
In this vivid light,
And musically chaotic atmosphere
As such that I am now presented

Show me a face
Not yet poisoned,
But unabashed
And at the same moment, innocent
Searching, as I do now
For a rebuttle to a raised brow
And seductive demeanor
From afar

That is what I seek tonight.